Sunday, April 21, 2013

Helsinki Spring Meetup 2013

Katja arranged a meetup for 20 Enfant Terribleans yesterday, and although only 19 of us ended up attending, it was an absolute blast, I tell you! The sun was shining and I got to see friends and meet new ones as well. It was the first meetup for at least one girl, and it was great to see once more how welcoming and warm the Finnish lolita scene is.

We met at the Central Railway station around noon.

(Photo by Laura) I and Katja seem to be having a srs conversation here!

(Pic courtesy of Jenni) We pattered off to the Senate Square church, where everyone got to introduce themselves briefly.
After that we took some photos. It was real windy up there!
The whole gang (picture by me)
Another group photo, taken by Sanni - this time I'm the one in the middle!

(Pictures courtesy of Jenni) We had some time to kill, so we walked around the Esplanade and visited a tea-store briefly.
We headed off to Café Engel for cakes, food, tea and whatnot. Three of us had this awesome lemon-merenque tart that Jenni immortalized with a genuine Hipstagram-effect. :D
To finish off, here's some outfit photos of yours truly, all pics taken by Laura!

Wig: Headrazor
Headdress: Innocent World
Cutsew: Angelic Pretty
Dress: Metamorphose
Apron: Sweet-sweet shop
Stockings: NylonJournal
Bag: (Visible in the third pic, where we're introducing ourselves) Angelic Pretty
Shoes: Off-brand (I actually had different shoes with me, but forgot to put them on!)


  1. Hihii..oli kyllä ihanainen päivä! ♡
    Oli kiva tavata ja hörhelöillä, toivottavasti nähtäillään uudestaankin. ^__^

    ps..luulin ihan liittyneeni jo tänne lukemaan ajat sitten, mutta empäs sitten näköjään, asia korjattu. :)

    ~ Frillycakes ♥ ~

    1. Kuten kirjoitinkin sun lappuun, oli tosi kiva tavata myös livenä! ^^
